Well, today's big news is that I finally decided to establish a website. I've been dithering over it, mostly because social media work for the books now seems to take up as much time as writing does, which seems a bit counter-productive really. But one thing and another have added up and so I took the plunge, using a company called Wix - silly name, but a pretty good system. I set it up in less than 2 hours, which means it must be so easy that a one-eyed budgie could manage it.
The website's at http://benblak5.wix.com/benblakeauthor by the way. I'm sure I've made mistakes, so if you spot any please use the Contact page to get in touch and point them out. And let me know what you think generally, I have no idea how these things are supposed to look.
Anyway, I'm also preparing to publish The Gate of Angels, volume two of Songs of Sorrow. It won't be until July, but I want to get ahead of the curve this time, and put out one or two previews and tasters before then. Very likely I'll try to set up some author events too, at the local library or maybe a bookstore, just to let people know about me. I expect the turnout will be tiny, but that's OK, it's not like I'm in the Rolling Stones or anything.
Meanwhile I'm writing Starfire. I'm about 60,000 words in at the moment, so well into volume one. It's a much more mainstream Fantasy than my other work, with magic (or starfire) front and centre of the story, so it presents different challenges and will probably feel very different to the reader. That's OK too, because I don't want to write the same story over and over, as some authors do. Besides, it's fun to write, and that's what it's all about, isn't it?
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