In Dreams Awake

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.

(Henry David Thoreau)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Free Books, Contests and Getting Wet

  Well, first things first - Blood and Gold e-book will be free at Amazon Kindle on Monday 13th/Tuesday 14th of May. Feel free to pick it up, and please tell people about it, the more freebies the better.

  So, on to other things. I'm going to enter Black Lord of Eagles for the Yeovil Prize - that's a writing competition here in the South-West of England. I decided to do so after attending an event at the Barnstaple library on World Book Day, including an address by the author Sophie Duffy, so thanks to her and to the staff as well. Black Lord... has also just gone off to an agent for the first time; fingers crossed that someone will pick up on it.

  I can't get Starfire written though. I hit walls all the time: solve one problem and another pops up. I think there must be something wrong with the structure of the story, or the basic execution, but I can't put my finger on what it is. So that will have to be shelved until I can work it out (probably about 2019, the speed my brain chugs along at). On the brighter side, I've finished volume one of Chained Dragon, a book called The Bone-Smile, and I'm just starting on volume two. And I still have the ideas for The Pyramids of Saqoma, and The Cross-Tree, and also The Rainbow Bridge. Plus I've done some outlines for a series called The Playground of Fawns, which is very ambitious and just a bit scary, to be honest. I'm not ready to tackle that yet, but there's plenty to be going on with.

  Quite a lot of titles beginning with The, now I look at that. Maybe one or two will change as I go. Ho hum.

  Now spring has finally arrived, I'm looking forward to hiking up onto Exmoor at some point, to spend a few days with zero connection to the outside world at all. It's astonishingly liberating to do - blimey, I sound like a self-help manual - and if I take a few pens and some paper, I might get some good thoughts down. Of course I might also get very wet, and end up eating half-cold beans out of the tin because the fire won't light properly, but that will just make it easier for me to imagine the characters in my books.

  I'll keep telling myself that, anyway. And who knows, I might even get a handle on how to fix the problems with Starfire.


  1. I always meant to of course, but today's post prompted me to do a Google search for Risen King still available in print (bought on Kindle months back, but it's not the same, is it?) and found it on Createspace finally. So I'm looking forward to actually being able to hold it to read and it's due to arrive in semester break - yay!

    To the point though: will Amazon do another print run?

  2. It should be available whenever someone orders it, I think. They don't do print runs as such. I ordered some more copies myself last month, just so I have some to sell, and I can do that anytime as far as I know.

    You're right about print books mind, an e-book just isn't the same. Doesn't smell the same, the weight in your hand is different too. And I like books on my shelves as well. Print wins for me.
