Well, the new novel debuts on Saturday at liznojan bookstore in Tiverton, England. Here's the cover,
As ever, I'm indebted to Mark Watts for the cover art. I think this one's a cracker too. We had a bloody handprint on it too at first, but then it looked too crowded, so we took that out. Good thing, too. This is a nice clean cover, I really like it.
Covers matter. I know several indie authors who work like Trojans on the novel itself, but don't spend much time on covers or back page blurb. But that's what sells the book. The first thing a browser sees is the cover, and if that catches their eye they'll read the blurb. Still like it? They'll read the opening page or two, and if they're still interested they'll buy. If any of that turns them off, though, they're gone. Spend a bit of time on the details, people. It does help.
Liznojan is a new indie bookstore, which I'm happy to support by holding my launch there. Indie book shops are important, a bit like libraries, they're a place for people to meet and chat about... everything, really. I like the name, too. 'Liznojan' means to learn while following a track, and isn't that just what reading is? You follow the story arc and who knows, maybe learn something along the way. A phrase that stays with you, an interesting idea, a character who inspires you. Aren't books terrific?
Mine is maybe not terrific, but I think it's pretty good. It finishes the story of Kai and the Ashir, as they struggle to defeat the invaders and hold onto their culture. There are surprises along the way, and some grief, before we reach the end. It will be available as e-book or print copy on Saturday, the 17th of March, so get a copy and come along on the journey.
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